Last Wednesday, April 18th 2012, a new comic series,
The Shadow, started from Dynamite Entertainment. To celebrate the website
Bleeding Cool held a contest for redesigning The Shadow character. Here's my rough
entry turned in just under the wire. You may not think it's rough, but that's because I tricked you with graphic design, weak minded fool. You're probably looking at everything except the figure, and with good reason. I say when your drawings weak... let the text do the talking, haha! Which is literally what I did on the art and off.
What follows was my quick attached paragraph on my REdesigned Shadow:
"The concept of my character is that he’s albino and his shadow is all
white and it comes alive and attacks! Except it’s not alive at all.
It’s all just hypnotic, because he’s a master of hypnosis (like the
original shadow). People just imagine it and hurt themselves! I wanted
half and half of old and new. So I flipped color scheme on head and
instead of shadow being the only thing seen by criminals… to the focus
of his attacks against them. His classic shadow ring is now his main
weapon for hypnotic attacks (continuing old and new theme). As well as
an extra brooch (because brooches are awesome on men, haha). He also
has a hidden sword in his umbrella for when hypnosis fails (always does
sometime right?). Along with far east mystical training he has eastern
sword style training. I also kept the classic red bandana as a swell
I'm so fucking proud of all the work and time I put into it. Soooo much research in a short time so I could get the character creation right.
Thank You:
Rich Johnston for posting the contest, and picking me as first place!
Alec Baldwin for kick ass acting.
Nikki Lonberger for getting me dinner and being awesome.]