Yeh! My first real post, and I even updated the last one and my deviantart! WOOT! Go me!
Three drawings that I'm pretty proud of because I actually got to finish them! Most of the time when I'm drawing someone (and they don't know) I rarely get to complete the drawing because either they move, leave, don't stop moving from the beginning...so I don't have a choice to end. I have a million and 1 doodles that are half started since this happens soooooooooo often. It's truly rare for me to get any thing good when doodling in secret, I should probably just tell people "HEY, keep still, bitch!" I wish I could capture startled face that would follow.
Anyway, these are of my history teacher during lectures. She keeps very still which is nice or returns to the same position often. I am 99% sure she noticed me drawing the first one and I wouldn't be suprised if she stopped moving for my sake, but I doubt it.
Also a fun little tid-bit she got a hair cut in between these drawings.
(and yes I consider the second one finished even though I didn't do her legs because I couldn't see them through all the desks, WHAT WHAT muthafuckas?!)
Listening to Jurassic Park theme song...and wow watch this video please