Since I have dragon blood in my veins and thus I horde everything I did some digging to find my perspective handouts from one of my favorite teachers from school. Easily one of the most valuable documents to me that I've saved from school and it took me almost two weeks to find the folder "Perspective Fall 2006" with my teachers name on it. Insert smack to face right about...HERE.
Anyway if you're curious yourself on how to learn it's right here below (as soon as I scan it, lol).
UPDATED 09-29-2010 (only a month later, haha, took forever. To be fair though, my mother sold the scanner I was looking for so I was on a goose chase.)
So I forgot to mention that the whole point using this technique is to put the circles or ellipses into perspective! Very very useful. Thanks to my old perspective teacher Lance Richlin for the hand out on this (oh don't worry...I provide links to all your needs mhmm mmm mmmmmmmm)

Now you know...and knowing is half the battle!
Listening to some KATG right now, episode 1242
My first post, WOOT!