A place where I can share my art.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hey, I DM too

When it came time for my turn in the DM's seat, it wasn't even my turn. It was Krystyl's. But she needed more time to prepare The Buffy Roleplaying Game so I was elected to run a filler campaign. Agreed upon length: 1-1.5 months. Actually length: 9 months. Whose fault?
<----- this guysssssssssss.

I went fucking crazy with my adventure. I based the whole thing on one level from the Dungeon Delve, "Dawn of the Dragon". I elaborated the details and created an intense backstory that probably could have served for an entire campaign, if not two. The PCs ended up leveling 5 or 6 times, which is very high for DnD standards. You tend to level every 8 or so Encounters (Fights) and every session is about 2-3 Encounters for my group. And we don't play every week. You do the math.

Anywho I made the story from scratch thus I made the encounters from scratch as well. It was my first time and was so intense for me because I obsess over every detail. I also made like 36 something encounters (whispered tone: because I'm a moron). It felt like a full time job. Here is a snap shot of the results.

A: One word: Candy
The Player Characters (on the middle left 1st photo) have just opened up a door that closed off a cave. Inside is what looks like a shot from Aliens. Blocking most of the way are life-like stone statues (long story). Covering much of the floor are clusters of slimy eggs (which I made out of Orange Slices and Jelly Beans). My dungeon was about elements, so each wing had its own theme. This room was the seam between two wings, mixing Fire and Acid. The monsters reflected that. The individual egg clusters took up a square on the board. Eventually a Acid/Fire Elemental pops out and starts making the egg clusters explode with its mind, damaging the heros. Whenever it did that or they preemptively destroyed an egg cluster they got a treat.

That will give you just a taste of how things went.
Uh-ho hohoahahahahahaha MUHAHAHAHAHAahahah.
Yes, I went there.

Eventually the stars of the show got past this deliciously vile experience to face off with the boss of the Fire wing. It was a Fire Titan.

Fighting in the shadow of a Titan. rawwwr.

I drew and colored the map itself by hand. The map is one piece and huuuuuuge, won't even fit on my very large table when fully unraveled. Took me unbelievably long to finish. But I was happy with the final product. Mostly. It's not everyday you fight a Titan over a lava pit, even in the DnD world.