A place where I can share my art.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dwarf Update

This is a sketch of a moment in my old D&D campaign, The Hand of Faerun.  On our way up a tower we found a room filled with flying candles and on the ground eight or so chests laid out in some unknown ritual.  I, playing my character Dorum Deadbeard, was instantly and utterly convinced at the sight of those chests that they made copies of things or moved objects back and forth between them.

I ran over to the closest chest, tested and found it unlocked, threw a rock in and quickly closed and opened the lid.  Nothing happened.  The rock was still there.  I was completely confused and sat there stunned, unable to think.  The look on my friend the DM's face mirrored my own.

Anyway one of the chests was a trap with a cool item or something, it didn't matter, my little comical scene unintentionally overshadowed it, at least in my mind.