A place where I can share my art.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Another Dwarf Update

The Bearded Tails of The Dwarf Dorum Deadbeard:  Water Trap!

I think this is the last of my old quick sketches staring my character Dorum Deadbeard.  To be fair he was in a party with other people, such as Firebeard. But maybe Deadbeard is a little racist, self absorbed, or both, because he tends to be the star in his journals along only with his Dwarf pal. No humans mentioned.

Intense Back Story:

This room started filling with water!

There was some animated skeletons too.


Unfortunately the only character to not make an appearance in any of my drawings, in this very brief series, was Cass Winchester the Bard of Legends and Mediocre Music.  

Who can actually be sighted is Tetta van Klee the Avenger in the second Water Trap sketch.  She is slicing and dicing some Skeletons.

If you haven't figured out by the fact there are two drawings of the same scene...there are.  All kidding aside I loved this fight so much that one drawing was not enough for me.  One day I'm going back and coloring these.

Just posting this has defiantly gotten me in the mood to draw a few more 
entertaining scenes from my D&D Adventures, which there are many, most undocumented and uncensored.  I don't have time at the moment to draw anything new because next week is finals and my brain is melting.  For now I have no guilt throwing up all over you with old, not-really-well-posted material of mine.  But hey, I did throw on those neat dark borders, so I must be a saint or something.