A place where I can share my art.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hey, I DM too

When it came time for my turn in the DM's seat, it wasn't even my turn. It was Krystyl's. But she needed more time to prepare The Buffy Roleplaying Game so I was elected to run a filler campaign. Agreed upon length: 1-1.5 months. Actually length: 9 months. Whose fault?
<----- this guysssssssssss.

I went fucking crazy with my adventure. I based the whole thing on one level from the Dungeon Delve, "Dawn of the Dragon". I elaborated the details and created an intense backstory that probably could have served for an entire campaign, if not two. The PCs ended up leveling 5 or 6 times, which is very high for DnD standards. You tend to level every 8 or so Encounters (Fights) and every session is about 2-3 Encounters for my group. And we don't play every week. You do the math.

Anywho I made the story from scratch thus I made the encounters from scratch as well. It was my first time and was so intense for me because I obsess over every detail. I also made like 36 something encounters (whispered tone: because I'm a moron). It felt like a full time job. Here is a snap shot of the results.

A: One word: Candy
The Player Characters (on the middle left 1st photo) have just opened up a door that closed off a cave. Inside is what looks like a shot from Aliens. Blocking most of the way are life-like stone statues (long story). Covering much of the floor are clusters of slimy eggs (which I made out of Orange Slices and Jelly Beans). My dungeon was about elements, so each wing had its own theme. This room was the seam between two wings, mixing Fire and Acid. The monsters reflected that. The individual egg clusters took up a square on the board. Eventually a Acid/Fire Elemental pops out and starts making the egg clusters explode with its mind, damaging the heros. Whenever it did that or they preemptively destroyed an egg cluster they got a treat.

That will give you just a taste of how things went.
Uh-ho hohoahahahahahaha MUHAHAHAHAHAahahah.
Yes, I went there.

Eventually the stars of the show got past this deliciously vile experience to face off with the boss of the Fire wing. It was a Fire Titan.

Fighting in the shadow of a Titan. rawwwr.

I drew and colored the map itself by hand. The map is one piece and huuuuuuge, won't even fit on my very large table when fully unraveled. Took me unbelievably long to finish. But I was happy with the final product. Mostly. It's not everyday you fight a Titan over a lava pit, even in the DnD world.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Name Plate: Thorgar Firebeard

For the first time ever...a D&D Exclusive drawing of mine, found no where else on the internets. WooOOOOoOOOoOOOOOooooo

Throughout all the campaigns with my friends for Dungeons and Dragons, the Initiative Board (Initiative is the order all players and monsters act in a fight, which the board displays) had always been an ongoing, changing, evolving creature. At first it was dry erase marker. Then it was pieces of cardboard with magnets taped on back. This drawing is the culmination of that evolution. I had set out to create exaggerated and ornate Name Plates for each character in the campaign. I stopped because it took a lot of time to do just one, but the main reason was that the board ran out of room, I had made it that big. If you click on this you will see an enlarged image that is To Scale.

Thorgar Firebeard was a NPC controlled by my BDMFF [Best Dungeon Master Friend Forever] Ryan. I enjoyed Firebeard so much (and ryan is the only one that wasn't an artist) that I started with his first and blew it out of the water in my opinion. If I showed you the other Name Plates this one would only be defined as EPIC in comparison. Especially considering the last one we had was fucking ghetto-ass, written on the back of a movie ticket or receipt or something, WITH a magnet slapped on back.

But it worked.

All these do is show the order of everyone's turn to play.  That's all!  But I love them. It's like a royal seal or a personal logo, it can show a lot about a character.

But as life would have it, the only character to die was Firebeard :(  of course.

And don't blame Deadbeard, everyone knows rule #1 in Hostage Negotiation... ignore demands and insult kidnappers.

So like all the Name Plates of dead or forgotten characters they have passed on to the next world, serving an even mighty purpose.

They hold my coupons on my fridge!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Another Dwarf Update

The Bearded Tails of The Dwarf Dorum Deadbeard:  Water Trap!

I think this is the last of my old quick sketches staring my character Dorum Deadbeard.  To be fair he was in a party with other people, such as Firebeard. But maybe Deadbeard is a little racist, self absorbed, or both, because he tends to be the star in his journals along only with his Dwarf pal. No humans mentioned.

Intense Back Story:

This room started filling with water!

There was some animated skeletons too.


Unfortunately the only character to not make an appearance in any of my drawings, in this very brief series, was Cass Winchester the Bard of Legends and Mediocre Music.  

Who can actually be sighted is Tetta van Klee the Avenger in the second Water Trap sketch.  She is slicing and dicing some Skeletons.

If you haven't figured out by the fact there are two drawings of the same scene...there are.  All kidding aside I loved this fight so much that one drawing was not enough for me.  One day I'm going back and coloring these.

Just posting this has defiantly gotten me in the mood to draw a few more 
entertaining scenes from my D&D Adventures, which there are many, most undocumented and uncensored.  I don't have time at the moment to draw anything new because next week is finals and my brain is melting.  For now I have no guilt throwing up all over you with old, not-really-well-posted material of mine.  But hey, I did throw on those neat dark borders, so I must be a saint or something.

Dwarf Update

This is a sketch of a moment in my old D&D campaign, The Hand of Faerun.  On our way up a tower we found a room filled with flying candles and on the ground eight or so chests laid out in some unknown ritual.  I, playing my character Dorum Deadbeard, was instantly and utterly convinced at the sight of those chests that they made copies of things or moved objects back and forth between them.

I ran over to the closest chest, tested and found it unlocked, threw a rock in and quickly closed and opened the lid.  Nothing happened.  The rock was still there.  I was completely confused and sat there stunned, unable to think.  The look on my friend the DM's face mirrored my own.

Anyway one of the chests was a trap with a cool item or something, it didn't matter, my little comical scene unintentionally overshadowed it, at least in my mind.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Some class doodles of my teacher

Yeh! My first real post, and I even updated the last one and my deviantart! WOOT! Go me!

Three drawings that I'm pretty proud of because I actually got to finish them! Most of the time when I'm drawing someone (and they don't know) I rarely get to complete the drawing because either they move, leave, don't stop moving from the beginning...so I don't have a choice to end. I have a million and 1 doodles that are half started since this happens soooooooooo often. It's truly rare for me to get any thing good when doodling in secret, I should probably just tell people "HEY, keep still, bitch!" I wish I could capture startled face that would follow.

Anyway, these are of my history teacher during lectures. She keeps very still which is nice or returns to the same position often. I am 99% sure she noticed me drawing the first one and I wouldn't be suprised if she stopped moving for my sake, but I doubt it.

Also a fun little tid-bit she got a hair cut in between these drawings.

(and yes I consider the second one finished even though I didn't do her legs because I couldn't see them through all the desks, WHAT WHAT muthafuckas?!)

Listening to Jurassic Park theme song...and wow watch this video please

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Perspective Drawing

A week or two ago I suddenly felt the urge to draw perfect circles by hand (relatively) using my rusty perspective skills. It killed me I couldn't remember the steps properly.

Since I have dragon blood in my veins and thus I horde everything I did some digging to find my perspective handouts from one of my favorite teachers from school. Easily one of the most valuable documents to me that I've saved from school and it took me almost two weeks to find the folder "Perspective Fall 2006" with my teachers name on it. Insert smack to face right about...HERE.

Anyway if you're curious yourself on how to learn it's right here below (as soon as I scan it, lol).

UPDATED 09-29-2010 (only a month later, haha, took forever. To be fair though, my mother sold the scanner I was looking for so I was on a goose chase.)

So I forgot to mention that the whole point using this technique is to put the circles or ellipses into perspective! Very very useful. Thanks to my old perspective teacher Lance Richlin for the hand out on this (oh don't worry...I provide links to all your needs mhmm mmm mmmmmmmm)

Now you know...and knowing is half the battle!

Listening to some KATG right now, episode 1242

My first post, WOOT!